Florida State university system (SUS)

The State University System of Florida (SUSF or SUS) is a system of twelve public universities in the state of Florida. As of 2018, over 341,000 students were enrolled in Florida's state universities. Together with the Florida College System, which includes Florida's 28 community colleges and state colleges, it is part of Florida's system of public higher education. 

Know where you stand.

Check out Florida's public university Admissions Matrix (below) to view stats stats on the mid-50% of students admitted from Class of 2023 and more.

How many colleges should you apply to?

Students should apply to five or more colleges.  These colleges should include at least one Reach School, one Match School, and one Safety School. (See below for explanation of each)


Please feel free to schedule a meeting or if you have a question, contact us.

Updated: 1/21/2023